2023 - 2024 IAS Board of Directors
The Iowa Academy of Science Board of Directors manages the affairs of the Academy. It engages the services of qualified individuals to assist in the proper execution of Academy activities including its mission to promote science research, science education, the public understanding of science, and to recognize excellence in these endeavors.
Members of the Board of Directors serve three year terms. The President-Elect assumes the office at the IAS Annual Meeting in April and serves one year before becoming President for one year followed by one year as Past President. The expiration year of Directors' terms are indicated in parenthesis.
Joseph Nguyen, PhD, President
Mount Mercy University
Kata McCarville, PhD, Past President
Upper Iowa University
John Dawson, PhD, Director
Kirkwood Community College
Joshua Sebree, PhD, Director
University of Northern Iowa
Cathryn Carney, Director
Education Program Manager
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
Joseph A Tiffany, PhD, Director
Research Associate at the Office of the State Archaeologist of Iowa