Cellular, Molecular, and Microbiology Section


  • Annual Meeting Advance Registration deadline, April 17, 2019

  • 131st IAS Annual Meeting, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, April 26-27, 2019

  • Section Business Meeting at the IAS Annual Meeting, Saturday, April 27, 2019

Section Chair Duties

The chair shall have responsibility for the planning and conducting the section’s program at the Annual Meeting, with the assistance of the vice chair.

Section Vice-Chair Duties

The Section Vice-Chair is expected to act as the section chair if the chair cannot perform the duties of the office and assist the Chair in the planning and conducting the section meeting at the Annual Meeting if requested.

Abstracts for the Section Meeting

ABSTRACTS submitted for Senior Academy oral and poster presentations are found below.

  1. The section abstract button downloads a Word Document with the abstracts.

  2. The SECTION SCHEDULE TEMPLATE button downloads a template to create the section meeting schedule.

  3. The SECTION UPLOAD FORM is used to upload your abstract comments and meeting schedule to the IAS office.


Please complete Items 1 through 5, as soon as possible, but no later than April 5th.

  1. Download your abstracts by clicking on the ABSTRACT button above.

  2. Determine whether to:

    a. accept an abstract without revisions

    b. accept with revisions

    c. reject an abstract

  3. Download the Section Schedule Template. Fill in your oral presentation schedule. The form allows 20 minutes for presentations and 15 minutes for a business meeting. If needed, schedule afternoon oral presentations beginning at 12:50 p.m. The business meeting is scheduled from 10:30 - 10:45 a.m. During the business meeting select the new vice chair. At the conclusion of the section meeting the current vice chair becomes the chair for the next 12 months. The current vice chair becomes the new chair.

  4. Use the Section Upload Form button above to upload your abstract comments and section meeting schedule. Upload the following:

    a. A file with your abstract comments. You may include your comments on the Word Document you downloaded OR use the form’s text box for comments. If you are accepting all abstracts without revisions state it in the text box. There will be no need to return the Word Document.

    b. Attach the filled out Section Schedule Template. Include the presentation titles and the primary author names on the template.

  5. Be sure to click on SUBMIT.

  6. Section chairs will fill out a form at the Annual Meeting with the names of the new Section Chair and Vice-Chair. Sections that do not select their officers at the Annual Meeting are not required to provide names of new officers.

If you have questions or need assistance please contact the Executive Director at 319-273-2581 or email craig.johnson@uni.edu and Cc iascience@uni.edu.

2018 - 2019 Section Chair
Stephanie Toering Peters

Section Vice Chair
Gary Coombs
Waldorf College

Section News