IJAS Research Grant General Guidelines

We have three types of proposals for Iowa middle and high school students


Option 1
Requests for STARR Grant Funding and Review Comments
(Middle and High School Students)

1.  IJAS members may request funding for a science research project requiring modest financial assistance for expendable materials not normally available through their schools.  Grants range from $20 to $200.

2. IJAS members who have already spent one or more years in an area of research and wish to continue or expand the investigation may request continuation funding. These grant requests must show growth beyond the original project.

Option 2
Requests for STARR Review Comments Only
(Middle and High School Students)

IJAS members who develop a science investigation and would like feedback about the project but do NOT need funding may submit a Review Comments Only Starr Grant Proposal.  Check Review Comments Only on the online form. The Student Programs Committee will review the proposal and provide feedback to help improve your project. Comments from reviewers is an ideal way to improve your science research.

Option 3
Requests for LORAL Trust Science Research Grant Funding
(High School Students)

This program is for Iowa high school students who have demonstrated previous interest in science or science research. Grants range from $200 to $2,000. The application includes a one-page description of the student’s previous interest or experience in science. There are two types of LORAL grants:

  1. IJAS members may request funding for a science research project requiring financial assistance for expendable materials not normally available through their schools.

  2. Students participating in research experiences with academic institutions or other research organizations may request funding for mileage to and from the research location.

Submission and Reporting Responsibilities

Proposal Submission

Grant proposal deadlines are announced annually by the Iowa Academy of Science. The dates are near the end of October or in November and the third Sunday of May. Proposals must be submitted online to be considered by the Student Programs Committee. If funds remain available after the deadline proposals will be continue to be accepted until funding is exhausted. Students will be notified of the status of their fall grant proposals by the middle of December. May proposals will be reviewed with notifications by the end of June.  All proposals receive reviewer comments.

Claiming STARR Grant and LORAL Trust Funds

Grant awardees who present at the IJAS Science Symposium automatically receive their funding payment either at the symposium or shortly after. Recipients not presenting at the meeting are responsible for claiming their funds. They must complete their project and provide proof to the Academy that they have presented at one of the science fairs in the IJAS Online Manual. Acceptable forms of proof include a photo with the project at the fair and/or a copy of the program with your name in it. Funding will be available after the science symposium. Students who present at the IJAS Science Symposium do not need to provide documentation. 

Summary of Responsibilities

Scientists must follow through with their research projects. The following is a summary of responsibilities of recipients of IJAS grant funding.

1. Read and follow IJAS Grant Proposal Guidelines.
2. Submit proposals no later than the deadline.
3. Complete their project.
4. Present at one of the regional science fairs listed in the listed in the IJAS Online Manual or the Iowa State Science and Engineering Fair.
5. All IJAS Grant awardees are invited to attend and compete at the IJAS Science Symposium held at the IAS Annual Meeting. High school students may become eligible to participate in the American Junior Academy of Science Annual Conference at the AAAS Annual Meeting as part of the Iowa Delegation.
6. Include evidence of presenting at a science fair or the Iowa State Science and Technology Fair and request payment of grant funds. IJAS grant students are not required to submit evidence of presentation at the IJAS Science Symposium.