Donate to the Iowa Academy of Science
To donate online or by mail please scroll to the bottom of this page.
The Iowa Academy of Science promotes...
Science Research
Science Education
The Public Understanding of Science
and Recognizes Excellence in these Endeavors
Opportunities to Donate
- General Fund - The Academy will put your money to use where it is needed most - the operations of the organization. This donation gives the Board of Directors the greatest discretion in allocating the funds.
- Benchmark Fund - These funds are used for long-term fund development.
- Iowa Junior Academy of Science - Support Iowa's young scientists. Funding supports general IJAS programs. If you are interested in supporting grants for middle and high school student research opportunities please contact the Executive Director.
- Science Endowment - Funds from this endowment are used to supplement the IAS general operating expenses. Only the income from the funds is used.
- Planned Giving - Contact the Executive Director for more information and a brochure.
- Other - Maybe you have an idea for another way to use your donation. Contact the Executive Director.