IAS Abstract Submission — Iowa Academy of Science

The Iowa Academy of Science is supported by its members, volunteers, sponsors, donors, event participation, and the University of Northern Iowa. Please thank UNI for the benefits you and IAS receive from this partnership. Benefits include low event registration fees, office space, access to facilities, and other on campus benefits.

STEP 1: Submission Notices
STEP 2: Submit an Abstract
STEP 3: How to present at the IAS Annual Meeting

Iowa Academy of Science Abstract Submission Form

133rd IAS Annual Meeting

April 21 - 22, 2023
University of Northern Iowa

Abstracts must be 200 words or less.


Please contact the Executive Director at 319-273-2581 for more information.

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 2, 2023

Abstract Submissions are open.

Only a Section Chair may accept abstracts after the submission deadline. Contact the IAS office if you have questions.

STEP 1: Notices

  • Primary authors receive all notices regarding the abstract status. Secondary authors should follow this website for conference information and check with the primary author for abstract status.

  • Primary authors must read all communications from IAS and communicate with secondary authors.

  • Primary authors are responsible for the Abstract Fee. Fees are charged after the abstract is accepted. Secondary authors are responsible for paying their registration fee.

  • If the Abstract Fee is not paid by the due date the presentation at the Annual Meeting will be cancelled and the abstract will not appear in the Proceedings or in the Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science.

  • Primary authors are expected to communicate specific abstract and presentation information directly to secondary authors including the presentation time and location.

  • All registered attendees, including registered secondary authors, will receive emails originating from the IAS office including a conference schedule, program, and general information.

STEP 2: Abstract Submission

NOTICE: This form is NOT for Iowa Junior Academy of Science (middle and high school) students.
IJAS students register by clicking here.

STEP 3: Abstract Submission Guidelines & How to Present at the IAS Annual Meeting

Primary presenters register for the Annual Meeting at a reduced rate. Additional authors register at the normal rate. The IAS website at www.scienceiniowa.org accepts abstracts, provides an advance program guide to the meeting and includes directions, schedules, lodging information, and a campus map. If you have questions please contact the IAS office staff. Office phone is 319-273-2581. Executive Director 319-273-2581.

Abstract Submissions

1.     Abstracts are submitted online at www.scienceiniowa.org/ias-abstract-submission
2.     Abstracts must be 200 words or less.
3.     Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline.
4.     Presenters must choose to do an oral or poster presentation, not both.

Poster Presentations - Posters are presented on Friday.

      1.  Poster dimensions are limited to a maximum size of 4’ wide by 4’ high all on a single poster board.
      2.  Posters larger than 4’ x 4’ cannot be accepted as the display easels cannot accommodate larger
      3. Posters will be mounted to boards using T-pins. The Academy provides mounting supplies.
      4. Posters may be mounted beginning at 2:30 p.m.
      5. Posters will be on display from 4:30 until 5:45 p.m.
      6. One of the  presenting authors is expected to be at the poster to answer questions throughout the session.
      7. Posters may be left on display until Noon on Saturday.

Primary presenters register for the Annual Meeting at a reduced rate. Additional authors register at their normal rate. The IAS website at www.scienceiniowa.org accepts abstracts, provides an advance program  guide to the meeting and includes directions, schedules, lodging information, and a campus map.

Oral Presentations - Oral presentations are on Saturday

     1. Oral presentations are 20 minutes, generally 12 – 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
2. Presenters will receive instructions about the technology available in the presentation rooms.
     3. When you arrive check in at the registration desk to pick up your badge, room assignment and schedule. 
     4. The purpose of a scientific meeting is to exchange information and ideas. Please attend your section meeting
         and support your fellow presenters.