Iowa Junior Academy of Science Research Grants
Research grant programs for Iowa middle and high school students.
Research projects may be from any scientific discipline.
Grants reimburse approved research expenses ranging from $20 to $2000.
IJAS Student Research Grant Program
A Unique Program in Iowa
Research Grants - Reviewer Comments
Learn the Research Process - Learn How to Present Research
Present at Science Fairs and the Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium
Eligible for Awards, Scholarships - Recognition - Participate in AmJAS National Meeting
Now Accepting Proposals
We are currently accepting grant proposals for the 2023 IJAS Science Symposium.
Iowa 7th to 12th grade students receive valuable feedback from Iowa scientists and the opportunity to become funded scientists. They experience how to develop a research project, write a proposal for funding and feedback, and communicate with their peers, teachers, and scientists. They present at science fairs and the Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium held with the Iowa Academy of Science Annual Meeting.
The IJAS program helps students learn and communicate their science research. Experience is not required.
The IJAS Science Symposium is held as part of the IAS Annual Meeting. Not only do students present their research, they are able to experience Iowa's professional general science meeting.
Two Student Research Grant Opportunities
Option 1
For Iowa middle and high school students. No experience necessary.
Starr Student Research Grants
Submission Deadline
We are currently accepting grant proposals for the 2023 IJAS Science Symposium.
Starr Research Grants are for Iowa middle and high school students seeking funding of $20 to $200 with a review of their proposal by Iowa scientists or are requesting a review only without funding. No prior science research is required. Final funding amounts are determined by the Student Program Committee of the Iowa Academy of Science. See the review/funding criteria by clicking HERE.
Types of Starr Grant Proposals - Grants range from $20 to $200
Student Research Projects ‘Request for Funding’
Student Research Projects ‘Request for Proposal Review Only’
Eligibility Requirements
Be an Iowa middle or high school student interested in a science research experience.
Be a member of the Iowa Junior Academy of Science - Individual ($5) or group memberships ($50). Groups (schools, associations, or other organizations) with more than 10 participants should purchase the group membership. These nominal fees do not cover the full cost of the IJAS program which are also supported by additional funding from the Iowa Academy of Science.
Individual or team projects of up to 3 students are accepted. Teams must share the value of any awards.
Present the research to an approved Iowa regional science fair OR the Iowa State Science & Technology Fair and at the Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium.
Frank Starr
Starr Student Research Grants funding comes from the Frank Starr Memorial IJAS Grant Fund established by IAS Member Frank Starr. Funding is also provided by the Iowa Academy of Science. Grant money from other sources is made available at the discretion of the IAS Board of Directors and the Student Programs Committee of the Academy.
Option 2
For Iowa high school students with demonstrated interest
in science or science research.
LORAL Trust Student Research Grants
Submission Deadline
We are currently accepting grant proposals for the 2023 IJAS Science Symposium.
LORAL Trust (Love of Reading and Learning) funding is for Iowa high school students with demonstrated previous interest in science or science research. The demonstrated interest may be past research experience or other activities. Final funding amounts are determined by the Student Program Committee of the Iowa Academy of Science. See the review/funding criteria by clicking HERE.
Types of LORAL Proposals - Grants range from $200 to $2000
Student Research Projects
Funding requests for equipment, materials and/or tests not ordinarily available in high school classrooms. Specialized equipment awarded to students will be made available on loan from the Iowa Academy of Science and must be returned at the conclusion of the project.Student Research Experiences
Students may request mileage reimbursement while participating in research experiences with academic or other science research programs. Mileage covers trips between home and the research location.
Eligibility Requirements
Be an Iowa high school student with previously demonstrated interest in science or science research OR be a participant in an academic or other research organization experience.
Be a member of the Iowa Junior Academy of Science - Individual ($5) or school membership ($50). These nominal fees do not cover the full cost of the IJAS program which are also supported by additional funding from the Iowa Academy of Science and other sponsors.
Present the research to an approved Iowa regional science fair OR the Iowa State Science & Technology Fair before presenting to the Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium.
What is the LORAL Trust?
Our mission is in our name. It stands for the Love Of Reading And Learning. The LORAL Trust Fund was founded in Waterloo, Iowa in 2018 by private donors who treasure the love of reading in our personal lives. Working through the Waterloo (Iowa) Community Foundation and other entities, we seek ways to inspire and increase the love of reading and learning in children and young adults. The LORAL Trust shares the belief that all children can grow to love reading and learning.
Read the IJAS Online Handbook
The IJAS online handbook contains valuable information about the IJAS Science Research Experience. Students will find tutorials about how to write and submit a proposal and conduct and present their research. Students will see the review and judging criteria and learn about the IJAS Science Symposium and IAS Annual Meeting. Reading the handbook greatly enhance the opportunity to receive a grant and win an award and recognition!
Do not submit your proposal without reviewing the IJAS Online Handbook information.
A link to submit your proposal is in IJAS Online Handbook.
Submit Your Proposal
Do not submit your proposal without reviewing the IJAS Online Handbook information.
You may submit your proposal here or use the link in the IJAS Handbook.
2022-2023 Academic Year Research Grant Proposals
- Funding is Available -
for STARR and LORAL Grants
Click the button below to apply for Starr Grant and LORAL Trust Student Research Grant Proposals. Be sure to read the IJAS Online Handbook before writing and submitting your proposal. This link is below and in the handbook.
Includes tutorials about writing your research grant.
If you have not joined the Iowa Junior Academy of Science please click the link below or contact the IAS office at 319-273-2581. You may also email iascience@uni.edu.
The Join button links to the Iowa Academy of Science Registration and Membership website.