Visiting Scientist Program

Iowa Junior Academy of Science (IJAS) member schools may request a Visiting Scientist by submitting the form below. Non-member schools may participate by joining the IJAS at the bottom of this page.

If you have questions please email or call the IAS Executive Assistant at 319-273-2021 or the Executive Director at 319-273-2581.

Invite an Iowa Academy of Science scientist to your classroom

Academy members are science researchers, science teachers, professors, engineers, and citizens interested in science. More than 250 Academy member scientists are interested in sharing information about their specialty with other Iowans. The Iowa Academy of Science Visiting Scientist Program began out of the interest to communicate science to others. 

How does the Visiting Scientist Program work?

An IJAS member (student or teacher) completes an application requesting a science visit. The Iowa Academy of Science staff match educator requests with the appropriate IAS member scientist. The Academy helps facilitate the visit planning. The scientist visits the school free of charge, meeting with students in small or large groups. The Academy provides a travel stipend to assist the scientist in visiting the school.

Who can apply for a scientist visit?

Any Iowa Academy of Science ISTS member may apply for a science visit to his or her classroom or school. The school sponsoring teacher, administrator, or an IJAS student from an IJAS member school is also eligible to apply.  Applications are accepted year around.  School visits may take place at any time. 

 What does IAS expect from the school?

The Academy expects the school to provide a location for the meeting and to confirm the date and time of the visit directly with the scientist. The Academy asks the school to take a photograph of the scientist's visit. The school should provide a copy of the photo and a completed photo release within two weeks of the scientist's visit. Visiting Scientist photographs may be used to promote the program in IAS print materials and on the IAS website. Schools are encouraged to submit the photograph to their local papers and to have students write thank you letters to the scientist. IAS requests that schools provide a copy of any publicity that results from the scientist visit.

IJAS Members use the form below to request a Visiting Scientist

Fill out my online form.

Non-member schools may join the Iowa Junior Academy of Science by clicking on the button below.

Clicking on the button will take you to the Iowa Academy of Science Membership and Registration website where you click on "Join or Renew" on the top menu bar.