Submit Manuscripts to JIAS
It is important to read this entire page
before submitting manuscripts to the Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science.
Submit your manuscript at the bottom of this page.
The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science was first published in 1887 as the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences.
Types of Articles Accepted
The Iowa Academy of Science encourages the publishing of high quality peer reviewed scholarship, referenced articles of scientific interest, reflective pieces and other informative articles of concern to science and science education. Manuscripts may be philosophical, theoretical, critical, applied, pedagogical, or empirical in nature. Authors need not be affiliated with the Iowa Academy of Science to submit articles. All manuscripts submitted for consideration must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration by other publication outlets.
The Journal will consider several types of contributions from disciplines represented by the Sections of the Academy:
- Formal research papers with no minimum or maximum length.
- Reviews or annotated bibliographies.
- Informed, but documented, commentaries on topics of general interest to the scientific community.
- Papers on science teaching, especially those describing laboratory techniques or experiments.
- Previously copyrighted material will not be considered.
Peer Review Process
Peer reviewed manuscripts are reviewed by three experts in the subject area. Acceptance or rejection is based on their recommendations. The Iowa Academy of Science uses a double-blind review process where the identity of the reviewers and the authors are hidden from each other.
Other Articles
Other articles as described above must be approved by the Editor and Managing Editor and be reviewed by the Board of Directors and other experts in the subject area as necessary. The publication time will usually be shorter than peer-reviewed articles. If you have questions please contact the Academy office before submitting these articles.
Publication Schedule
Formal research papers, if accepted for publication after peer-review, are expected to be published within 4 months of submission to the Journal Editor. Online issues will be available when the first article is ready for publication. Additional articles will be added until the issue is filled. This process allows articles to be published when approved instead of waiting for all articles to be ready for publication as in a print journal.
Style and Format
The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science uses the Scientific Style and Format: The Council of Style Editors Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. For more information click on the button below.
Manuscripts should be submitted as Word Documents (.doc or .docx). Illustrations, photos, or other graphics should be submitted following the guidelines in the "Guide to Art Preparation" found by clicking on the button above.
Charges to Authors
Papers accepted for publication will be held by the Managing Editor until the page charge status for each one is verified. Authors will be asked to sign an "Acceptance of Page Changes Policy" and provide any requested additional information before the paper is composed. All authors will be liable for actual charges due to author's alterations of galley proofs or due to author's negligence, in addition to the following:
- Non-member authors: Actual cost of composition.
Non-member authors are advised to become Academy members at the time of submitting a manuscript or before, since the actual cost of composition is far more than $60.00 per page. Member authors:
A. If a paper has support for publication costs:
- $60 per page plus the cost of author requested revisions - per alteration of $5.00.
- Digital color figures are an additional $30 each.
B. If the paper has no support for publication costs:
- $30 per page plus the cost of author requested revisions - per alteration of $3.50,
- Digital color figures are an additional $15 each.
C. Exceptions (Category B only):
- No charge will be made for papers authored solely by full-time students, but this fact must be verified.
- Papers solicited by Section Chairs (symposia, e.g.) do not qualify for exception unless there is a special
action by the Board of Directors waiving page charges.Invited articles of general interest, book reviews, and commentaries are currently accepted from IAS Members without charge. These articles are reviewed by an editorial board before acceptance.
Non-members are charged as follows:
- $30 per page plus the cost of author requested revision - per alteration of $3.50.
- Digital color figures are an additional $15 each.
Inquiries should be made to the Executive Director by email at or by phone at 319-273-2581.
The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science is copyrighted by the Iowa Academy of Science. For permission to copy or reproduce the Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science in any format please contact:
Executive Director
Iowa Academy of Science
BRC 50, University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0508
Phone: 319-273-2581