Events and Workshops of Interest to Iowans
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2015 Iowa Prairie Conference: Working Prairies
July 16-18, 2015
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Pre-conference work day on July 15th
Plenary Speakers:
What is Prairie
Doug Ladd, Land Stewardship Director of the Missouri Chapter of The Nature Conservancy
Tweak, Adapt, Transform: Harnessing the Power of Prairie for Agriculture in Iowa and Beyond
Lisa Schulte-Moore, Associate Professor of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University
Symposia Topics:
40+ years of Prairie Preservation and Restoration
Chaired by Pauline Drobney & Laura Jackson
Writing the Tallgrass Prairie
Chaired by John Price
Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management
Chaired by Kristine Nemec
Field Trips:
Prairie Power Project Research Site and Bearbower Prairie
Cedar Hills Sand Prairie and Cedar Bend Savanna
Rowley Fen and Quigley-Slattery Heritage Prairie
Iowa Lakeside Lab and Regents Resource Center Opportunity for High School Students
Deadline is May 31, 2015.
High school students are invited to study one of the earth’ s most unusual groups of organisms and earn one college
credit free this summer at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, a biological field station jointly operated by Iowa’s three state universities. Lakeside Lab is located on West Lake Okoboji in Milford, Iowa.
Diatoms are a special group of algae that have intricate glass cell walls, are important as food for fish, and produce much of the oxygen we breathe. During the week, students will collect samples from freshwater environments around Lakeside Lab, identify the diatoms they find, learn about the taxonomy and ecology of diatoms, and apply their knowledge to complete a research project.
The only cost is a $50.00 registration fee for students accepted in the program. Room and board is provided at Lakeside, although participants may choose to commute or stay at the Lab. Students must provide travel to and from the campus.
The instructors will be Sylvia Lee, Ph.D, and Kerry Howard, MA, MS. Dr. Lee is a research scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York. Ms. Howard is a credentialed science teacher in NV/CA and a Ph.D. candidate in Geological Sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Students must apply by May 31, 2015. Instructors will notify applicants of their acceptance by June 13. To apply, follow this link:
For more information, contact Lisa Roti: 712/337-3669 Ext 1 or For more information about Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, visit or view the program flier here on the IAS website.